
Thursday, October 22, 2015

True or False Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Beer Soap?

We get a lot of questions about beer soap.  Test your knowledge to see how much you know about Handbrewed Soap's Beer Soap! Answer True or False to each question.  Then check your answers below!  Good luck and have fun!

1) I will smell like beer if I use beer soap.
2) If I get pulled over while driving for intoxicated driving, I can blame it on the beer soap.
3) Beer adds lather the the bar.
4) Beer used in the soap is the wort.
5) If I suck on the soap, I can get drunk.
6) Handbrewed Soaps is made by a wife and husband team that love to homebrew.


1) I will smell like beer if I use beer soap.   False.  The alcohol burns away in the soap making process.  Therefore, there is no alcoholic smell the soap will give you.  (If you are experiencing an alcoholic smell, you might want to remember what you drank last night as it may be coming out in your pores!)  Fragrance Oils and Essentials oils are added to compliment the type of beer used in the soap!

2) If I get pulled over for intoxicated driving, I can blame it on the beer soap. False.  All I can say is that if you blame it on the soap, you will most likely be getting into more trouble....

 3) Beer adds lather to the bar.  True.  Beer (along with the coconut oil) used in the soap adds to the lather.  Handbrewed Soaps have a great lather.

4)  Beer used in the soap is actually the wort.  False.  We ACTUALLY use beer in our soap!  I know many are concerned that we are wasting a good beer.  I promise you that in relationship to how much we brew, it's very little.  We also add our spent grains as an exfoliant in some of our bars!

5) If I suck on the soap, I can get drunk. False.  As stated in number one, the alcohol burns away in the soap making process.  The best you would get is a clean mouth.

6) Handbrewed Soaps is made by a wife and husband team that loves to homebrew. True.  We married our passions together, his for homebrewing and mine for making soap.  Homebrewing has a special place in our hearts as it is a time when friends and family come together to create and share in beer! Read more here to learn about why we homebrew.

So, how did you do?


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