
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Construct your Hops Garden

Well, our hops are sending out shoots and that means that we need to trellis them FAST!!!  There are a lot of different ways to do it (which I'll share in another post), but I wanted to share how Eric is building our hop garden out of old plumbing pipes we used for another home improvement project.

He started with a 14ft pipe that he hammered into the ground.  This pipe is the main pipe that all of our coconut rope runs from/through.  From there, he has created a 'spider web' from which all 11 plants will run up! It's a fairly simple project that takes all of 2 hours to create.  Below are our pictures of the re-useable pipes.  Scroll down to the bottom to see how it held up as the hops grew!  I'm impressed!

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