
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Airing My Dirty Laundry, It's Good for the Environment

Am I really posting a picture of my dirty laundry?  Well, it kinda looks like it...  but really it's clean, dirty laundry.  Huh?

These are my soap rags.  I use them for about everything when I make soap, from wiping up soap spills to wiping out soap buckets.  They are much more durable and absorbent that paper towels or newspaper.  And they are better for the environment.  How, you ask?  Well, I do use water to wash them, but I'm keeping paper (trees) out of the landfill! And I don't add any extra soap to wash the rags as they all ready have soap on them.

A few words of warning:

1) Make sure that you wait a few days after you use the rags before you wash them.  The soap needs to harden on the material. Otherwise, you'll get an oily mess in your washer!!

2)  Don't put a lot of used soap rags in the washer.  (I'm talking 30-40.)  Otherwise this will happen (see picture!)  I suggest you wash10-15 heavily soaped rags and add some of your other laundry to it as well!

What clean up tricks do you use when making soap or any other messy hobby?

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